Monday, November 22, 2004

You never know

I read a story this morning about 5 men getting killed (3 wounded) over a deer hunting spot in Wisconsin (read more here). I'll admit, when I saw the headline for the story I just knew the killer was a white, middle-aged man. Well I got 2 assumptions correct. What is incorrect was my assumption that the killer is white. The killer is an Asian man! I am sincerely shocked. You never hear of Asian's going on killing sprees or being serial killers (that are not related to gangs or underworld violence, which I still don't hear about but know that they exist).

My first thought, after getting over my shock, was what is the world coming to. It is so easy to stereotype others. This has been a real eye-opener for me. It's best not to assume before getting all of the details. Hummmm - I wonder if the killer had gottten away, who would the police have targeted as a suspect. My prayers go out to both the family's of the victims and the suspect.


At November 23, 2004 at 8:54 AM, Blogger tan247 said...

Abandoned - I assumed the killer was white because when I think of the hunting sport, I associate it with white men. I only know of one black man that has ever hunted. I was being honest with my thoughts after reading the article. As far as statistics in reference to murder - I haven't researched this so I will not disagree nor agree as to what race commits the highest percentage of murders in the U.S. Either way, those who have no regard for human life should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.


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