Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I prefer Fall

It is freezing outside. I am not ready for this Winter weather. It's been raining off & on for the past 2 to 3 days and today we have a chance of sleet. The high is supposed be around 45 degrees. I grew up in a town where the winters are colder than they are where I live now. For some reason, I still have not adjusted to temperatures below 55 degrees.

If I had a choice, I would prefer the Fall season all year round (minus the leaves falling from the trees). Which reminds me, I need to buy a rake so that I can rake all the leaves up in my front yard. That is after they dry first. I was hoping to put up Christmas lights this weekend. The forecast calls for dryer weather with the highs near 60.

Seeing my neighbors with lights decorating their homes has put me in a festive mood. I'll at least cover the bushes with the lights and wrap lights around the trunks of my trees. Don't you just love the Christmas holiday :). I think I'll do something worthwhile this year and participate in the toys for needy children project at my church.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

It's all good

I had a wonderful evening yesterday. I am understanding things in my personal life much better now. Last night and this morning I have felt a sense of peace. It's not easy to explain unless you have felt it yourself. This makes me look forward to the Thanksgiving holiday even more. What I'm not looking forward to is the last minute grocery shopping that I have to do.

I know, I know -- why would I wait until the last minute. Knowing that there is a very good chance that what I am needing may not be available (it's happened before). Today is our Friday at work so we all get to wear jeans. I love jeans - they're comfortable yet, with the right shoes and top, can be dressed up a bit. My employer is also ordering pizza for lunch today so that's money that I'll be saving.

I guess that's something to be thankful for - an employer that doesn't mind doing nice things, whether large or small, for their employees. I am thankful that I have a job. I am even more thankful that I have a job that gives us paid time off in addition to our paid vacation time. I am thankful for my friends & family who mean the world to me. I am thankful for two beautiful children who love & pamper me. I am thankful for shelter, food & clothing. Most of all, I am thankful that God has intervened in my life at times when I could have taken a different, destructive path. What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Just rambling

I don't have any particular subject that I would like to elaborate on. I just feel like allowing my fingers to have their way on my keyboard. I guess this is what's referred to as 'random thoughts'. I am trying to find a way to boost my spirits. I'm not the type of person who sits around wallowing in self pity. I don't like being depressed or feeling sad.

I could run out at lunch time and pick up one of my favorite dishes (Thai style chicken fried rice), but, I have spent more than what I have available in my checking account. Now, how does that happen anyway. I guess the fact that I haven't been balancing my checkbook for the past - let's say 3, 4 maybe even 5 days. Money really slips through your fingers if you're not careful. There could very well be a bright side to my temporary financial dilemma. All of my transactions/checks have not cleared the bank. If they hold out until Friday everything is cool. If not, I'm looking at a couple of overdraft fees. Oh well, no one to blame but myself.

I hate having pride. I'm too proud to borrow a few dollars to put in my account until Friday. Honestly, it's not that much -- $35 bucks. I'll think about it between now and 4:30 pm and decide if and who I want to ask to do me a favor. How ironic that I forgot to bring my lunch today. I've still got a quick fix for that as well. The cafe in my building allows us to buy things on credit over the course of a week or 2 and pay after you've accumulated a decent sized tab. Too bad they don't serve chicken fried rice.

Monday, November 22, 2004

You never know

I read a story this morning about 5 men getting killed (3 wounded) over a deer hunting spot in Wisconsin (read more here). I'll admit, when I saw the headline for the story I just knew the killer was a white, middle-aged man. Well I got 2 assumptions correct. What is incorrect was my assumption that the killer is white. The killer is an Asian man! I am sincerely shocked. You never hear of Asian's going on killing sprees or being serial killers (that are not related to gangs or underworld violence, which I still don't hear about but know that they exist).

My first thought, after getting over my shock, was what is the world coming to. It is so easy to stereotype others. This has been a real eye-opener for me. It's best not to assume before getting all of the details. Hummmm - I wonder if the killer had gottten away, who would the police have targeted as a suspect. My prayers go out to both the family's of the victims and the suspect.

Friday, November 19, 2004


I'm looking forward to a good weekend. I plan on doing a little bit of shopping. My car is way over due for an oil change and I also need tires. I also need to get everything I need for my Thanksgiving dinner since I will be staying in town instead of going out of state to be with my family. I'm not feeling too down about it. Hopefully I won't get sad when Thanksgiving Day arrives. Last year a few cousins came for a visit. I have two friends who are planning on stopping by. I need to get my menu together before I head to the grocery store. I do not want to get stuck running to the store the day before only to find that there's nothing left. Can't wait for the after Thanksgiving Day sales. I almost forgot, next week is only a 3 day work week for me. Thursday and Friday are PAID company holidays.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Time heals all wounds

This is so true. It's been only 24 hours and I feel much better than I did yesterday. I can only assume that as each day passes, my heart will no longer ache. I feel for those trapped in dead-end relationships that bring you down instead of lift you up. Why is it so hard for some to walk away, even though they know the person they're with is no good for them. I'm trusting that God has something better for me.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

What's on my mind today.

I feel like relieving some frustrations for a minute. I'd rather do this than call the source of my frustration and say what I'm really thinking. People never cease to amaze me. I think I'm too trusting. Sometimes I think I'm not trusting enough. Why can't people say what they mean and mean what they say. Why can't some adults be honest & upfront. Why must some people play games or have a hidden agenda. I hate to have my time wasted. I also hate to be misled or given false hope. I could really slap the taste out of this person's mouth right about now. That wouldn't be good though. Hey, it's o.k. to think about it, just don't follow through. Besides, I'm not trying to catch an assault case.

I gotta stay focused on things that have a positive impact on my life. Life would be so much easier if those of us with good advice for others could follow our own advice. This really amuses me sometimes. I get people who ask me for advice and then when I'm in a dilemma, I feel stuck. Alot of times I just deal with it on my own and keep it to myself. Sometimes life really sucks. Maybe I should focus on the other areas of my life that are going well. Hummmm. Sounds like a good advice to me.